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Want to study in Japan? Scholarship details for students to make the decision

Studying abroad is a dream come true for many students and this involves a lot of research into choosing the right subject, university, destination, etc.
A lot of factors go into consideration before deciding to move to a different country and pursue education there. Japan is one of the choices of students who plan to start their educational journey abroad.
For students who wish to pursue studying abroad, scholarships are a means where they can help support them in their international studies without leaving them worrying about finances.
Here are the list of financial aid available for students who decide to pursue education in Japan, as per the official website.
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) of the Japanese Government has been inviting international students to study in Japan at state expense since 1954.
The following are the seven types of the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship programs.
Candidates can apply for this scholarship in two ways, i.e. by applying to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) with a recommendation from a Japanese embassy or other Japanese diplomatic mission from your respective country, or by applying to the MEXT with a recommendation from a Japanese university.
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“The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-financed International Students” has been provided by JASSO.
This program offers scholarships to privately financed international students enrolled in universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, colleges of technology, professional training colleges and educational institutions with preparatory courses for entering Japanese universities, as well as Japanese language institutions in Japan (hereinafter collectively referred to as “universities, etc.”), mentioned the official website. 
Candidates need to note that only those whose status of residence is Student are eligible for the International Student Scholarship (Monbukagakusho Scholarship for International Students).
For students studying in Graduate schools (doctorate, master’s), Research students (graduate level), Undergraduate universities, Junior colleges, Colleges of technology (third year and above), Specialised training colleges (post-secondary course), Preparatory Japanese language courses by private university and junior college student, Advanced course by university, junior college, technical college and University preparatory courses, the monthly amount is 48,000 yen. 
For students studying in Japanese language institutions, the monthly amount is 30,000 yen.
Students can also avail scholarships through local governments and local international associations in Japan as they provide scholarships to students living in their district as well as those attending schools in their district.
There are also private foundation scholarships that are offered by private companies or organizations. These scholarships are granted to students based on the objective and character of the company or organization.
These scholarships are granted to students attending schools in a given district, or limited to special subjects related to the company, or provided to students from a certain country or region with which the enterprise has exchanges.
As per the date available on the official website, there are many schools that offer scholarships and tuition reductions for international students. Students can research and make a choice based on the results.
For more information, visit the official website.
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